FacebookX ValuationValuation of stock and other assets/liabilities for transaction and litigation purposes (appraisal procedure, tax litigation, etc.)Damage QuantumExpert witness on damage in domestic and international litigation or arbitration, related consulting and advisory services, etc.Financial AdvisoryExpert advisory to M&A buyers/sellers/investors in complex deals, financial modeling, cost of capital, data analysis, etc. Intellectual Property ServicesDamage quantum related to patent infringement, analysis and advisory on reasonable royalty in lisensing negotiation, etc. Antitrust Law ServicesEconomic analysis and related adivisory services on market definition and market impact in merger review procedures by JFTC and foreign authoritiesRegulatory & Contractual ComplianceExpert advisory related to audit/investigation on matters of tax, transfer pricing, anti-trust, international trade, and contractual compliance CONTACT USFor any inquiry or request on our services, please contact us through this link.